Sunday 4 January 2009

1130: Happy New Year, Hashers!!!

Comment from Guest Blogger Gump

Well 2009 got off to a flyer with a run set by Hang About and his Mam (Marine). Both of them, ably supervised by Bubbly.

The weather, unfortunately, was not as brilliant as the run itself. There was a cold wind blowing through the circle as we gathered for the 1st run of the new year and brass monkeys could been seen, apparently looking for body appendages, in the nearby gebbils!!!!

"3 trails, all in red and no falsies" and we were off!!! Terrain was mixed. Some soft, some hard. Course was well marked. And Hang About was more than able on the bugle!!!

Bubbly made one of those rare appearances on the course that would normally have alerted us to the fact that she was up to something. But this time she wasn't!!! Everyone thought she had the On In down her pants but she didn't. We were just too blind to see it, especially Dr Justice!!!! Who apparently was on top of it but still failed to see it - too much yuletide refreshment still coursing through his body??!!!!

So to the after-run circle.

Young Oscar was First In (has there been a younger one?? - answers on a postcard please, old Hashers!!!!) and made the toast admirably.

Talking of Old Hashers ..... it was announced that Methusula is fast approaching his 800th run, an ambition he's had since his 5th birthday, apparently!!! No one knows for sure if it's next week or the week after, so come to both runs, just in case you miss out on the party!!!!

So on to the Spy!!!

C Weed had forgotten to remember that he had been nominated by Coach (acting Hash Master). So, Coach tried to influence the chemically-abused C Weed in to bucketing both the returning Hash Master and Hash Cash. For his troubles, Coach did manage to persuade C Weed to bucket Vomit Comet but in doing so got the bucket himself!!! The other bucketees were young Rock, receiving an early 9th birthday present, and Pestasaurus, just for the sheer hell of it!!!!

There ended the formalities and the cue for everyone to don hats, scarves, warm tops and gloves to keep out the chilly wind while we enjoyed the delights of the Hash Quench's box!!

When we could stand the cold no longer we all headed home. Some of us to officially count the number of runs Methusula has actually done, the rest of us to continue enjoying the company of Mr Tiger!!! While with Mr Tiger, we tried to count Methusula's runs but ran out of fingers and toes at 140 (that included 20 of Magnus's!!!). Hopefully, the others had more success ....... !!!!

On On.


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