Sunday 2 November 2008

1120: Gregory's Gusty Gallavant

A new-ish hasher tried his hand at setting the trail this week. Gregory took us out by the back of Arab-D to a seldom used location. As the seasons are changing, there was a bit of a wind which made it hard to hear the calls or the bugle. We all made it around in the end, taking in a lot of soft sand and some rocky terrain which must have pleased the ex hashmaster of the same name.

Glen was a bit sneaky in his spying, picking out most of the girls for offences against the hash before changing his mind and bucketing all of the men.

A few beers were had by the light of Arab-D's flares which were burning more fiercly than usual.

Our illustrious hashmaster will be celebrating Bonfire night in the clubs of Beirut but Coach has graciously stepped in to take over his duties.

We are sure to have a large gathering of hashers at the Bonfire Night run to celebrate the demise of the traitor Guido Fawkes 402 years ago. A few effigies of him will be ritually burned on Thursday night.

On On


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