Sunday 20 April 2008


Welcome Back Rebekah. Despite the heat, the weekend's dust, the 'flu epidemic, the departed Easter visitors we still number into the 30s, which is just the way we like it.
Not sure how much we really liked Meths testing run but we always appreciate our Hares' willingness to spend the time painting the desert for us to have our runs in the varied locations and scenes. Jess was worried about what might emerge from some of the large holes we passed, I was careful to check no hashers vanished or were abducted into one! Alas, all arrived back safely.

Dan Milne and Josh Clarke, as they used to be known, having 'qualifed' as regulars for some time now and been waiting patiently, finally got their names - and promptly wished they hadn't bothered...probably.

Desperate, Elvis, Daniel, Mashed Potato...? No. Arise Full Moon, for obvious resons.

Hairy, Grudge, Stig, Daddy Long Legs....No. Phone Home, E.T (Have you seen his fingers?).

Next week Ms Gardener, Soon Mr Dixon, Darren should we ever see him again, and then Penny, Dave G, Jess and Erik are all getting close. Our youngest hasher has been pretty regular for some time now too.

You wouldn't credit it, it's hard to find a spy these days! Unfortunately the fifth spy selected was mean and nasty and, Gary, when my ear infection gets better, vengence will be mine...or Stuart's or.....

And the sun went down, and the sea reminded us that life is beautiful and what better than easing into the evening with some good friends and a smile.

On On.

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